Project Updates – August 25, 2023
Please find this week’s update on the following LID 17 projects: Fence Replacement Project Installation of new brick fences has been completed on the following streets: Telfair between Kempton [Read more...]
Please find this week’s update on the following LID 17 projects: Fence Replacement Project Installation of new brick fences has been completed on the following streets: Telfair between Kempton [Read more...]
Please find this week’s update on the following LID 17 projects: Fence Replacement Project Installation of new brick fences has been completed on the following streets: Ralston Branch Way from [Read more...]
Phase 5 of the Landscape Replacement Project has been advertised for bids. Bids are due August 3, 2023 and will be presented to the Board on August 10. Bid documents are attached. Construction [Read more...]
Dear Residents, We wanted to provide you with an important update regarding the ongoing fence replacement project in our community. We understand that this construction work has caused some [Read more...]
Fence Replacement Project Update The District wanted to provide a further update to the article posted on June 16, 2023. After hearing the concerns of impacted residents, the District has decided to [Read more...]
It has come to the attention of the general contractor (Fencecrete) and the construction inspection team (LJA Engineering) that the color of the supplied brick has shifted away from what was intended [Read more...]