May 2023 Board Meeting Summary
The Board of Directors met and discussed various matters concerning the District on May 11, 2023. Here are the key updates that the Board would like to share with the residents. Landscaping [Read more...]
The Board of Directors met and discussed various matters concerning the District on May 11, 2023. Here are the key updates that the Board would like to share with the residents. Landscaping [Read more...]
The District wanted to share some photos of progress of the current fence replacement project. This project will replace approximately 14,028 linear feet of concrete panel fencing with beautiful [Read more...]
The following is a summary of certain matters discussed at the March 9, 2023 meeting. Financial Matters The Board amended the budget for Fiscal Year 2023 to reflect additional expenses for ongoing [Read more...]
Phase 4B of the Landscape Project will be advertised for bids starting March 14 with bids due March 28. The bid set plans are attached. Please also see bid set specs.
The following is a summary of certain matters discussed at the February 9, 2023, Board of Directors meeting. Landscaping Matters Phases 3A and 3B of the landscape replacement project are [Read more...]