Project Updates – August 25, 2023

Please find this week’s update on the following LID 17 projects:

Fence Replacement Project

Installation of new brick fences has been completed on the following streets:

  • Telfair between Kempton & Chatham
  • Harmony Ave. (West side) at Telfair

Installation of new brick fences is either underway or expected to begin in the next 7 days on the following streets:

  • Addison Ave. (South side)
  • Gladden Way and Pettigrew
  • Wexford Trail at Ralston Branch Way

Demolition of existing fences and/or installation of piers is underway on the following streets:

  • Harmony Ave. (East Side)
  • Chatham Ave. (West Side) from Paddington Way to Hetherington Ave.
  • Hetherington

Brick continues to be delivered to the District for future sections.

Once a segment of new brick fence is complete, the District’s contractors will assess and repair any damage to irrigation systems and landscaping that was caused by the work.

If you need to report any issues with your fence, please contact the LID at

Landscape Replacement Project

Phase 4B:

Installation of new plants is complete in the following areas:

  • Addison at Telfair
  • Cambria (southern portion)
  • Cambria (northern portion)

Demolition and installation of new plants is either underway or expected to begin in the next 7 days in the following areas:

  • Meadowcroft at Reinhart

The original estimated overall completion date of Phase 4B has been pushed back from October to the third week of November. The number of hours that the crews can work each day is limited due to the heat.  We will continue to update the final completion date as the work progresses. The locations included in Phase 4B can be found on the LID’s website under “Landscaping.”