The LID 17 Board of Directors met on Thursday, August 18, and discussed and took action on various matters concerning the District.
Public Comments
During public comments, several residents expressed concerns related to landscape replacement project advertisement, mowing and landscape maintenance. In regard to a resident’s question about the bidding process for Phase 3A and 3B of the landscape replacement project, the Board and consultants confirmed the projects were advertised in County newspapers, the Houston Chronicle, and on bidding websites as required by State law. For future projects, information regarding the project scope and bid information will be placed on the District’s website for residents to access and view.
Financial Matters
During the discussion of the tax collector’s report, it was noted that 99.25% of all LID 17 2021 taxes have been collected thus far. It was also reported that the 2022 Certified Value of the District is currently $2.2 billion. There are multiple commercial properties with values under protest, making the projected 2022 value $2.24 billion. This is a 12.33% increase from the previous year. The proposed 2022 tax rate will be discussed at the September meeting. At its October meeting, the Board will adopt the 2022 tax rate.
District Operations
The District’s Operator, Levee Management Services, provided an update on operation matters within the District. Trash and debris have been removed from the fence line and levee. It was reported that there are instances of residents throwing trash over their rear fences on to District property. Residents are asked to not put yard material on District property. Some minor cracking is present on the levee; however, recent rain has helped reduce the number of cracks and the situation is continuing to be monitored by LMS.
Concerns of several alligator sightings in the District have been shared by residents. Alligators are native to the bayous, channels and lakes in the District. As a reminder, residents should not feed the alligators. LMS is working with a trapper to remove the alligators.
Landscaping Matters
A recent mowing cycle of the levee has been completed by Yellowstone Landscape. Tree maintenance concerns where limbs are hanging over various streetlights throughout the neighborhood are still being addressed. An average of 35 to 48 trees are being pruned weekly.
The original scope of work for Phase 1 of the landscaping replacement project, which took place in the same location as the Phase 1 fence replacement project, is complete. A change order in the amount of $26,428.05 was approved to add some additional plantings. Phase 2 of the landscaping replacement project is expected to be completed by the end August. A change order in the amount of $6,257.59 was also approved to add additional plantings.
The contracts for Phases 3A and 3B of the landscaping replacement project have been approved and a preconstruction meeting has been scheduled. Work is expected to begin by the middle of September.
The District’s consultants are working on the areas to be included in Phase 4.
Other District Projects
When inspecting areas included in the Phase 1 Fence project, the District’s engineer observed several locations where bricks have been removed from the bottom of the fences. Brick perimeter fences are District property and property owners and/or their contractors should not alter or repair these fences.
The construction of the Phase 1 Section 28 Lake Erosion Repair was completed in March 2022, and the recent rain is helping to establish the grass. The Directors plan to tour the repaired areas in a couple of weeks.
Levee Matters
The Board of Directors authorized the District’s engineer to advertise for bids for construction of improvements to Pump Station 1.
The Board voted to revamp its website to make the main page more user and resident friendly. Residents can expect a fresh new layout for easy access to LID 17 information and updates.
We encourage residents to regularly check the website for more information and details from each Board meeting.