The following is a summary of certain matters discussed at the February 9, 2023, Board of Directors meeting.
Landscaping Matters
Phases 3A and 3B of the landscape replacement project are complete.
Work for Phase 4A of the landscape replacement project has begun and is expected to be completed in early May.
Phase 4B of the landscape replacement project will be advertised for bids this month, with an expectation of presenting bids to the Board at the April meeting. The District’s landscape architect is working on plans for Phase 5.
The Board has engaged an arborist to assess the health and maintenance of trees and landscaping throughout Telfair. The arborist will present a report to the Board regarding his findings and recommendations.
The Board authorized the installation of irrigation sleeves under concrete driveways being installed by CenterPoint at road crossings along its right of way corridor.
The Board approved a proposal for sod to be installed around the walking trails on the west side of University Boulevard.
Other District Projects
The Board discussed a request to install additional fountains in the main lake. After discussion and review of a proposal, the Board asked its consultants to assess potential locations for additional fountains, considering sight lines, potential wave action and shoreline erosion that might result from the fountains.
Work has started on Phase 2 of the fence replacement project. For more information see the article “Information Regarding New Brick Fences” on the website.
Phase 2 of the Section 28 Lake Erosion repair project is expected to start before the end of February. The work is expected to be completed in 2 months, weather permitting. For more information see the article “Section 28 Lake Erosion – Phase 2” on the website.
The motor in one of the District’s water wells is not working. The Board approved a proposal for the replacement of the motor.
District Operations and Levee Matters
Residents can expect to see construction at Pump Station 1 beginning the week of February 13. The Board authorized advertisement for bids for Pump Station 2 improvements.
Special Board of Directors Meeting
The Board will meet on Monday, February 27 at Telfair Central Hall at 6:00 p.m. All residents are invited to attend. The agenda will be available on the website.