Drinking Water Safety

The City of Sugar Land supplies your drinking water. The City’s water supply is safe to drink. The virus that causes COVID-19 hasn’t been detected in drinking water. Water treatment facilities have processes to filter and disinfect water before it goes into the lines. However, the surfaces around the fountain including the spout, button/leaver and nozzles could pose a risk for the transmission of COVID-19 and other germs.

  • Don’t place your mouth on the spout of the fountain or allow your water bottle to come into contact with the nozzle when refilling.
  • Test the water flow and let the water flow for 10 seconds to allow for fresh, clean water to come through prior to drinking.
  • If the fountain requires you to push a button or lever, clean the surface before and after, or use your elbow.
  • Clean your hands afterwards with an alcohol based rub or wash them with soap and water.
  • These fountains are owned by FB LID 17 but the water is from the City.

Refer to www.sugarlandtx.gov for up to date information.