September 2022 Monthly Board Meeting Summary

The following is a summary of certain matters discussed at the September 8, 2022, Board of Directors meeting.

Financial Matters

The Board discussed the District’s 2022 tax rate. The Board voted to publish a $0.495 total tax rate. A public hearing will be held, and the Board will vote on the 2022 tax rate, at the October 13 Board meeting.

Landscaping Matters

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the landscaping replacement project are both substantially complete.

A preconstruction meeting was held on August 30 for Phases 3A and 3B of the landscaping replacement project. The contractor, Earth First Landscaping, is expected to mobilize on sight within the next two weeks. See the Article titled “July Project Updates” for the locations included in Phases 3A and 3B.

The Board discussed the scope of Phase 4 of the landscape replacement project, and voted to bid the work as three separate contracts due to the size of the areas to be addressed. This division could allow multiple contractors to perform the work simultaneously and will hopefully result in more bids for the work. The Parks Committee will meet to finalize the layout and the areas to be included in the bid packages.

The Board authorized Yellowstone to remove trees in several sections around the main lake to create more sunlight and allow grass and vegetation growth. 238 trees were pruned in August.

Other District Projects and Updates

Phase 2 of the fence replacement and repair project: The District is ready to proceed with authorizing the contractor to order the bricks. Brick fabrication and delivery is expected to take 8 – 10 weeks.

Section 28 Lake erosion: Several Directors toured the Section 28 Lake on Monday, September 12 and inspected the erosion repair project.

One of the three alligators spotted in the neighborhood has been trapped and removed. Efforts continue to remove the two additional alligators.

District Operations and Levee Matters

The District’s Operator, Levee Management Services, provided an update on operation matters in the District.

The Pump Station No. 1 improvement project will be advertised beginning September 13 and bids will be taken on October 4. Bids will be presented at the October Board meeting.

We encourage residents to regularly check the website for more information and details from each Board meeting.